Tuesday, 12 April 2011

ACP: The Beginning

1st Post
The following is the beginning of a progressive recording of the development of my 3rd year ACP.

I have now successfully completed my first 3 Tuesdays in my secondary school placement. I am yet to learn of another student teacher from my university doing placement where I am, so I believe I am on my own for this years ACP. I am also yet to learn if I have or the name of my University Colleague. I have yet to personally meet the Assistant Principal of my school (who is in charge of the student teachers at the school) face to face or discuss if there is a particular project that the school would like me to take the lead on this year. So my plan therefore is:

1. Contact the placement office and discover the name of my University Colleague.
2. Email my University Colleague and find out if they have spoken to anyone at the school about the ACP.
3. When I am back at my placement school in 3 weeks time (after the school holidays) arrange a meeting with the schools AP- discuss possible ACP's, what the school needs...
4. Begin research and planning for ACP including writing the ACP Plan.

Wish me luck and I'll let you know how it goes!

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