Monday, 9 May 2011

ACP: Most of a Plan

After meeting with my University Colleague today I have confirmed that I can do my ACP on revision activities for Unit 3 & 4 Psychology. So I am now just nutting out the details of the plan to finalize it and hand it in.

Reasons for my ACP:
The school overall and more specifically the VCE Psychology teachers would like to aid their students in their study and revision for their mid year and end of year exams. With this in mind my mentor suggested that the creation of a number of different study resources specific to VCE Psychology Uni 3 & 4 would be greatly appreciated. While there are a large number of generic study revision activities my mentor would like to have resources that are specifically targeted at Psychology and helpful to students trying to revise and study for the exams. She believes that this will improve their chances of doing the activities if they are already prepared and there for them to access and they do not have to create their own – for example study flash cards. We also believe that these resources will increase their ease of study and give the students more time to study- as they're not creating their own-, help increase their motivation and hopefully subsequently their knowledge of the content and their results on the exams. 

Further details and an attached plan to come!!

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