I now have a plan! YAY!
Aim: To create a folio of 6 resources (3 each for Unit 3&4) to aid students in their study and revision for exams.
Expected Outcome: Students can use these resources and consequently their study habits will improve, students will be aided in their independent study and revision and students will perform better on their exams as compared to the last year’s previous data.
Time Line:
May, Tuesday 17th: Begin research on how students study and the best methods for independent study
May, Tuesday 24th: Continue research gathering ideas for activities.. Check what resources and activities the school already has.
May, Tuesday 31st: Begin putting together a list of the possible activities that could be created. Discuss them with the Psychology teachers and decide on the final 6.
July, Tuesday 26th: Work on activities
Aug, Tuesday 15th”: Work on 2nd activity
Aug , Tuesday 23rd: Work on 3 activity
Aug, Tuesday 30th: Work on 4th activity
Sept, Tuesday 6th: Work on 5th activity
Sept, Tuesday 13th: Work on 6th activity and collate the activities into a portfolio for the school
Sept, Tuesday 20th: Complete folio and present it to the school.
My mentor and ACP Overseer has okayed the plan so now I am just waiting to see my University Colleague next week and the Student Teacher Co-ordinator at a meeting on Tuesday.
During my 2 week placement I also had a look around at the resources available to the students for study at the moment. I will attach photos next post. The psychology classroom has the back wall covered in topics to be revised and helpful worksheets and activities that students can take and use to study. There is also a window display with models of the brain and visual perception system. Students also have access to the VCE Psych Notes Revision books in the library and other similar ones.
Stay tuned for photos next post.
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